Through writing, journalers make sense of the world and themselves. These Christmas-themed journal prompts will guide you to think about Christmas from different angles and through different lenses to help you better understand yourself and your experience of Christmas.
Christmas time is a bitter-sweet experience for most of us. It all starts with big expectations of joy, closeness, and comfort but often ends with less than satisfying reality.
To make sense of your thoughts and feelings, expectations and reality, and to understand what you truly need from this holiday use these Christmas journal prompts to start the self-exploratory journey-Christmas edition.
What is the meaning of Christmas to you?
Why are you celebrating Christmas? What do you give the most attention to, or in other words, what do you spend most of your time on during this time (religion, family, friends, community, decoration, food, presents…)? Is the center of your attention in alignment with your purpose? If it’s not, then why isn’t it and what changes could you make to bring your Christmas in alignment with your meaning of Christmas?
Christmas-themed word association exercise.
Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. In one minute time write at least 30 words or phrases that come to your mind that you associate with Christmas.
Look at those words and notice the ones that surprised you the most. Why do you think you associate those words with Christmas? Try to find a connection between those words and your Christmas experiences.
Try to write at least one sentence for each word to elaborate on its connection with Christmas.
Can you group some of the words to find a pattern or an underlying theme? Write your thoughts about what you discovered.
Is there something about Christmas that you dread?
Although the time around Christmas is widely considered “the most wonderful time of the year”, many have a lot to dread around this time. Start an open and honest conversation with yourself about your true feelings. Why are you dreading Christmas, were you always dreading it and what caused you to start dreading it in the first place? Is there something you can do to be at peace around Christmas time? Try writing a comforting letter to yourself, or something you would say to someone you love if they were in your position.
Christmas bucket list
Make a list of everything you wish to do during Christmas time, all the experiences you’d like to have, places you’d like to visit, and people you’d wanna be with. It’s not necessary that it’s possible to do it all in one year. It can be a bucket list for one year, but it can also be a lifelong bucket list of all the things you wish to do around Christmas time during your whole life.
Describe your ideal Christmas Day.
If you could create a Christmas Day however you wish what would it be like? Who would be there with you? Where would you be? What would you do? If you wish you can write an hour-by-hour script of the day.
Describe your Christmas traditions.
What is a must for you come Christmas time? Why do you keep those traditions, who is involved in them, and how do they make you feel? Many traditions start spontaneously, do you have a story of how some of your traditions started?
Need more journal prompts? Here you’ll find a collection of 365 journal prompts that will inspire you to explore and express yourself.
Write about the Christmas traditions you had growing up.
Try to remember as many details as you can. Who was involved, what were you doing, talking about, how did you feel? What are your thoughts and feelings about these traditions now?
How different are your Christmas traditions now from when you were growing up?
Are you happy with your new traditions? Which ones of the past traditions do you miss the most?
Describe how you would like to spend Christmas Day this year.
Considering your current life situation, describe how you’d like to spend Christmas. Who would be with you, what would you do, and how do you hope to feel?
Describe the most memorable Christmas you ever had.
Look back at your past Christmases and pick the one Christmas that’s most vivid in your memory. Why was it so memorable? Was it pleasant or unpleasant? Which emotions do you have toward that Christmas? Write about the people that were there with you. Remember all the little details, look at the photos from that Christmas to help your memory. Looking back at the pictures does it now seem different than what you remember?
How did your life change since the last Christmas?
Describe all the changes that happened since last Christmas. Write about the lessons you learned, the challenges you faced, the wins and the losses, ups and downs.
What was the best present you ever received on Christmas?
Why was this the best present and who gave it to you? How is your relationship with that person now?
Describe your favorite Christmas activities.
What are some activities you love to do around Christmas time, or activities you never did but you’d like to do them? Describe what they are and why you enjoy them. Do you do them every year, if not, why not?
If you could spend Christmas day with anyone, with whom would you spend it?
Make a list of all the people (regardless if they are still with you or not) you would want to spend Christmas. Explain why you chose those people. Write short conversations you’d like to have with them.
How did you spend Christmas this year?
Write about your Christmas day in as many details as you wish. Did you enjoy yourself and was it as you hoped it would be? What do you think about it, and how do you feel about it? Do you wish you did something differently?
I hope you’ll have a lot of meaningful moments writing out these Christmas journal prompts.
Wish you a peaceful and merry Christmas!
If you liked these Christmas journal prompts check out our other journal prompts:
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