Daily reflective journal prompts will help you become more intentional and take back control of your life. Do you ever feel like life is just happening to you? Like everything that happens is out of your control? If that is so, then you need to learn how to take control of your life by […]
Want To Be More Productive? Answer These Three Questions Every Single Day!
Answer these three questions every day to tap into your internal motivation. Productivity is not something only chosen people have while the rest of us are just struggling to stay awake. Productivity is the product of a focused mind and clear priorities. A focused mind is easily achieved with one simple thing called a guided […]
Life-Saving 3 Minute Neck Stretch For Improved Blood Flow
Only 3 minute neck stretch can relieve neck pain, relax stiffness in the neck and improve blood flow. If your job requires you to sit 8 hours a day at a desk, you can’t avoid that. But you can avoid neck pain. Bad posture, long hours sitting, and poor sleeping position will result in tightness […]
Are You Battling Anxiety? Do This One Thing As Soon As You Wake Up To Strengthen Your Nervous System
Battling anxiety while working, taking care of your family, and trying to live a life that is satisfying and fulfilling is exhausting and definitely not fulfilling. No matter how much you do and how hard you try, you still end up almost every day fearing for the future and dreading tomorrow’s challenges. Those negative thoughts […]
10 Minute Lazy Workout You Can Do Without Getting Out Of Bed
It will wake you up better than coffee! Full body workout you can do in just 10 minutes while still lying in bed. You know those first moments when you wake up and you’re not yet fully awake but you’re no more asleep either. And you reach for your phone to “see the time”. […]
Learn To Make And Use A Weight Loss Vision Board That Works For You
A weight loss vision board might be your secret formula for losing excess weight. At times losing weight may seem like a never ending battle. It requires a lot of changes, self-control, and stepping out of your comfort zone. With all the changes you’re making it’s easy to get discouraged and just give up if […]
Make Your Small Business Thrive Using The Power Of Vision Board
Small business owners can benefit from a vision board dedicated to their business. Just like many people succeed in achieving their personal goals thanks to the vision board, so can you use a vision board to plan for your small business success. How can a vision board help your small business succeed? Running a small […]
Create A Financial Freedom Vision Board That Will Fuel Your Success
Financial freedom is a big goal that requires careful planning, a lot of motivation, and most of all laser-sharp focus. That’s where the financial freedom vision board comes in. It’s a tool that will keep you motivated and focused on your goal. How can a vision board help you achieve financial freedom? The way in […]
33 Most Creative Overnight Oats To Level Up Your Breakfast Game
Overnight oats are easiest, minimum effort, healthy, and delicious breakfast foods by far. Flavor options are endless and this collection will prove you just that. Here are the 33 most creative overnight oats that will get you excited to wake up in the morning. Ice Cream Inspired Overnight Oats Magnum Overnight Oats Magnum’s iconic […]
5 Best Daily Planners For 2024 That Are Useful And Beautiful
Year is coming to an end and that means it’s time to get a new daily planner. Finding a good daily planner that will accompany you through the year and help you organize your life, requires thorough research. Key elements of a good daily planner: Year at glance Month at glance to mark major events, […]