Whether you practice yoga or not, stretching your body in the morning, soon after getting out of bed, is an excellent way of sending signals to the body and mind that it’s time for action. Firstly, gentle stretches create space in every knuckle, which makes you feel light and energetic. Secondly, moving your body after […]
These Time Management Apps Will Increase Your Productivity
Are you stuck in a loop where you endlessly plan and replan and plan the planning, only to end up overwhelmed and unmotivated? We all have the same 24 hours a day but somehow some people manage to do so much more with their time. What’s their secret? They know how to manage their time […]
7 Step Morning Routine For Motivation Boost
Motivation is the condition of being eager to act or work. It is so simple and yet we have such a problem to get motivated, like it’s some special skill only accessible to rare people.
So how do we become exiced about work?We need a right state of mind and body.
6 Genius Tips For Making Efficient To-Do List
To-do list s are great motivators and progress trackers. With a good to-do list you can organize your day for maximum productivity. Anybody who ever had a day full of tasks and important things to do knows the value of a good to-do list. These are few tricks I learned on how to write a […]