Best Arm Exercises For Women to Get Rid of Flabby Skin

arm workout

These arm exercises are simple, effective and perfect for beginners. You will finally destroy that sagging underarm skin. The workout consists of seven simple exercises that you can make anytime, anywhere. No equipment needed and no push-ups.


You can do the workout standing or sitting. While you’re watching TV, cooking dinner or before shower. Once or three times a day. Whenever you have free hands for 5 minutes just lift up your arms and do the routine.

These seven arm exercises will engage, strengthen and define your triceps, biceps, shoulders and pecks.

Before you know it you will start seeing a big difference. Your arms will get strength and definition. And you will finally get rid of those flabby sacks under arms.



So let’s start.


-stand (or sit) up straight

-extend your arms to the sides, shoulder height, like letter ˝T˝

-with palms facing down make a tight fist


-make 20 circles forward

-and 20 circles backward


-hold arms flexed for 10 seconds


-swing your arms backwards, press shoulder blades towards each other then swing forward

-repeat 20 times


-open palms facing forward, keep arms and fingers flexed

-bend elbows up 90°

-rotate arms down until forearms are parallel with the ground and bring back up

-repeat 20 times


-keeping elbow at 90° swing arms forward in front of your head then swing them backward

-repeat 20 times


-extend arms to the sides with palms facing up

-move your arms straight up over head

-move arms downward in front of you, stop when they are parallel to the ground, palms facing down

-and move backward to the sides, palms facing up

-repeat 20 times


-bring arms back to the sides (letter ˝T˝), palms facing down

-make swinging motion up and down like you’re trying to fly

-repeat 20 times


For better understanding of the arm exercises check out this video


And that’s it. Shake your hands to release tension. Stretch them little bit.

Repeat this every day and in a week you will feel and see big difference. Your arms will be toned (that baggy skin will disappear) and much stronger.

It is an amazing workout. It can be part of your regular routine or after a run to engage arms like I do, because runners arms are often neglected.




Now I also found some amazing exercises you should try, if you get bored with this one. Also it’s good to mix things up little bit. Muscles don’t like same movements every day.

At the end of this post I included simple arm stretches to relax arms and prevent muscle pain.

Check out this article, there is a lot of information on why woman have issue with arm flabby skin. And this is the exercise they suggest.

Tricep Arm Workout

Tricep Arm Workout

Another great exercise is

Up&Down Plank

It works not only arms but also core and many other muscles.

-start with normal plank (as on first picture)

-lower right elbow to the floor

-lower left elbow to the floor

-place right palm on the floor and straighten elbow

-place left palm on the floor and straighten elbow

-repeat 10 times

-now switch arms, start with left elbow to the floor, then right to the floor and left up, right up for 10 more times

Up&Down Plank
Source: PopSugar



Tricep Dips

are great exercise for arms. No equipment needed. Just a chair or stairs or a coffee table. 4 cycles of 20 dips and 10 seconds rest. Two tips: don’t sink in shoulders, but bend elbows and don’t sit on floor.

Tricep Dips
Source: PopSugar

This is a highly effective exercise. You can do it with light weights for strength. Or just swing punches for 5 minutes. Focus on strong swing from hip and shoulder.

Source: Sassy Fit Girl
One Arm Side Push-Ups

I am not a fan of push-up but this side ones I actually like. Give them a try, it’s a great alternative to regular push-ups

One Side Push-Ups
Source: StyleCraze

As I promised here is a video for arm stretches. I do this every time after arm exercises and it is the best one I found so far. It really relaxes muscles and I never feel any pain afterwards.


Hope you found valuable information in this post. If you have any questions please leave a comment. I am always happy to help.

Let me know in comments what are your favorite arm exercises.

best arm exercises
best arm exercises


26 thoughts on “Best Arm Exercises For Women to Get Rid of Flabby Skin

  1. Keep a slight bend in your elbows as you raise your arms out to the sides until the dumbbells are level with shoulders (make sure your palms are facing the floor).

    1. Thanks, this feels gooooood! My shoulders, & back loves me, and it is better with 3lb. Wrist Weights. I do 20 counts per arm working my way up to a minute per arm.🙆🏼‍♀️💋

  2. Need some clarity on the exercise. Needs a video to make sure one is doing these correctly.

  3. desperately needing a little more clarity on the workouts without pictures. the descriptions are hard to follow and I am not the first person to comment this. it’s only helpful to share a workout of people can actually do them. pictures or videos would help a lot.

  4. Your arm workout looks wonderful. It would be of much more help if u could post a video demonstrating the right way of doing these.

  5. I am trying to do the arm workout, but I am not sure how to do some of them. Pictures would really help.
    Maybe, could you post some?


  6. I must be reading impaired lol. I just can’t quite figure them all out. Wondering if you can post a short video of you doing these exercises? I’d love to incorporate them in my rebounding routine.

  7. Why are the models in every instructional so Young, Thin & Fit. It leaves those of us who do not fit any of those previous descriptions with a very defeating attitude. Especially if the exercises are for Women over the age of 60 years of age. ?? (Mid 60’s, overweight & Not Fit)

  8. Thank you so much for this exercise set. I’m disabled and it’s so difficult to find arm exercises that won’t flare up my back. I can’t wait to give these a go!!

  9. The exercises you have above, the ones without weights, right before the triceps workout. I’ve done those a few times, but I’m done way before 5 minutes. Do I need to keep doing them for 5 minutes? Or do like 3 sets?

    1. I usually do them in 4-5 minutes, maybe you do them too fast, try to make slower movements and really feel muscles working. It is a bit harder but it must be so for exercises to have effect. Hope this helps 🙂

  10. This post is awesome! I always struggling with my arms so these excercises excite me! I was doing them while reading the article and wow they work! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

      1. Do you have pictures or videos of the first exercises anywhere? The instructions are not as clear as my old mind needs! Thanks!

    1. Thanks Sharon. I like all variations of planks. It is such an effective exercise. I was just on your site it’s very informative. I will use your Amazon link to support Sister Loretta’s Fund, I think education is one of the most important aspects of human life and every child deserves a good education. Wish you all the best.

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